Monday, October 15, 2012

I Would Do Anything For You

Here's a song I wrote a while ago that continues to be pretty popular whenever I play it. I was thinking about the ways I could demonstrate my love for a particular person.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A new love song

Here's a song I wrote fairly recently. It's one of those songs about what comes up when you are in a relationship.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tom Knight "Hot Air Balloon"

This song has an interesting history. Jody Kessler brought this song to the songwriter's group we were in in Ithaca. She had written the first verse and the melody, but didn't feel like finishing the song. She said it wasn't like the usual songs that she writes. It sounded like my kind of song, so I wrote a chorus and 2 more verses.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Pancakes" by Tom Knight

I'll post a new song from "The Song" TV show every week or two, until I run out. Here's the next one - Pancakes, from my 1992 CD Easy as Pie.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crazy Little Dream by Tom Knight

Welcome to the relaunch of this Blog! The purpose of this blog initially was to post mp3s of new songs and demos that aren't available on CD or iTunes. Since I've started doing a lot more video production, I decided to continue this blog, but focus more on videos of songs, whether they are new or old songs. My goal is to post a new song every 2 weeks or so. The first few songs will be excerpts from a show I did on August 14th, 2012 for Frontier Community Television (South Deerfield, MA) for a show called "The Song." I hope you like it!